SWOT analysis of Samsung will elaborate the strength & weakness of, opportunities & threats for Samsung Company. It will provide a visual overview that will prompt discussion around the company’s strategy and situation. This SWOT analysis of Samsung can be used to evaluate the position of their business. This can be used to guide overall business strategy session of Samsung. It also can be used to go deep into a specific segment like production, marketing, and sales.
Founded in 1938, Samsung is one of the leading mobile manufacturing companies in the world. This South-Korean based company, headquartered in Samsung City, provides different types of products including semiconductors, digital televisions , air conditioners, computers, liquid crystal displays, and active-matrix organic light-emitting diodes, monitors, mobile phones, refrigerators, printers, and telecommunications networking equipment. Samsung is the largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world. Its listed under South-Korean stock market.
SWOT Analysis of Samsung
Strength – In the first part of SWOT analysis of Samsung, Strength of Samsung is discussed.
- Innovative designs.
- Integration of open source operating system, and software.
- Cost & Quality Focused.
- Too large product diversity (stability on sale)
- Low production Cost.
- Largest Market Share in Mobile Phone Market.
- Recognized Brand.
- Strong Brand Reputation.
- Environmental Focus.
- Very Strong R&D department.
- First Mover Advantages in Many Countries.
- Growing Market share in Developing countries like India, and Bangladesh.
- Strong intelligence in marketing capabilities.
- Large number of skilled employees all over the world (489,000).
- Samsung captures a greater than 40% smartphone market share in the Netherlands.
- Samsung Malaysia Electronics won big at the Putra Brand Awards 2015. It will work as a positive reputation in Malaysia.
Weakness – In second part of SWOT analysis of Samsung, weakness is discussed.
- Low profit margin.
- Damaging image by infringement.
- Too large product diversity (lack of focusing on specific one)
- Lacking of own operating system.
- Less quality than Apple’s.
- Heavily dependent on consumer electronics.
- Samsung’s operating system Android has many lacking.
- Large dependence on other software.
Opportunities – In the third part of SWOT analysis of Samsung, opportunities for Samsung is discussed.
- The Indian smartphone market is growing.
- Most people use feature phones that make a switch to smartphone.
- Demand of technologically advanced phones is growing.
- Strong financial position for future.
- Growth of tablet market.
- Acquisition of new companies.
Threat – In the fourth & final part of SWOT analysis of Samsung, threats is discussed.
- Large number of competitors.
- Strong Competitors like Apple, HTC etc.
- Chinese competitors are gaining competitive advantages.
- People are looking for better quality nowadays.
- Large number of products, failing one will affect another.
- Threats of Chinese, Taiwanese, and Indian products in the local market.
SWOT analysis of Samsung showed that Samsung has many strength against its few weakness. Also, they have great opportunities as well as market threats. If Samsung mobile does take steps to be stronger in the market by providing quality, it will be a stronger organization in future.
SWOT Analysis of Samsung has been made with the information from the year 2013, 2014, & 2015.
Sources Used To Conduct This Analysis:
- Wikipedia – 2015.
- Samsung, annual Report – 2013 & 2014.
- Samsung Official Website – 2015.
- Phonearena.